This is What Makes Entrepreneurs So Successful

Entrepreneurs by definition is, “A person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.” Basically, being an entrepreneur is being a risk taker. It could be investing everything, to only risking a little bit of what you have. The qualities of being an entrepreneur include being business focused, confident, creative, delegator, determined, independent, knowledgeable, able to promote the product, and good at building relationships. In my opinion, the most important qualities would be focused, confident, determined, and good at building relationships. They need to be focused because they need to see their goal clearly and should not be easily distracted by outside things. Confident is important since they need to be able to promote their product(s) confidently, as well as building relationships. Not being confident can lead to weak or awkward relationships and conversations.

Steve Jobs was very goal orientated. He knew what he wanted as his end game plan. He saw his successful future and he strived for it every minute of his life. From working from inside his small garage with his friends from college. He saw the potential of his product and he dropped out of Reed College to pursue a career in his product. From an office in a garage, to a multi billion dollar company. Steve Jobs did it. He worked hard and he deserved every thing he made from the company.

Just like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates founded Microsoft in 1976. He made an operating system for computers. In 1990 Microsoft released its first version of Windows. It soon became a best seller and was able to capture the majority of the operating system market share. In 1995 Windows 95 was released, setting new standards and features for operating systems. He soon became the creator of one of the most popular operating systems ever created.

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